Complimentary Consultation!
Your choice of a chiropractor for you and your family is one of the most important health decisions you can make. Let's face it... a website simply can't convey everything there is to know about our Chiropractic office and our unique approach to health restoration. With this in mind, we believe you should have an opportunity to discover if our practice is right for you. We also believe that you should make this discovery without any pressure or gimmicks. It is this belief that our patients find refreshing when first scheduling with our office.
At your complimentary consultation, you will sit down for a one-on-one "conversation" with Dr. Kinch, or Dr. Jake. Our consultation is more of a friendly conversation - NOT an examination. Many healthcare providers (including chiropractors) have you on their examination table before you can even say "hello." That just doesn't seem right to us. After all, most people don't buy a car and then read the brochure. It's usually the other way around.
During this conversation two things will happen:
We will get to know you and your health concerns.
You will get to know us and how we may be able to help you.
You will bring your questions regarding your current health condition as well as any questions or concerns regarding your past or present experiences with chiropractic.
We will provide you with an overview of our office and explain how our focused Neuro-Structural Restoration (NSR) is quite different from most chiropractic offices. In addition, we will explain our entire evaluation process and the associated fees upfront. This way you will know exactly what services we provide and if Well Within Chiropractic is the right fit for you before you invest time, effort, and money in yourself and our office. It's your health, there should never be any surprises.
If we determine you are a candidate for our unique and focused care and if you are comfortable with our office and its procedures, you will have the opportunity to proceed with a complete Neuro-Structural Chiropractic Analysis immediately following your consultation or on a later date.
We understand our office is not for everyone. If we determine our office is not the right fit for you, then we will recommend a proper specialist to follow up with. Once again, there is no charge for our consultation and you will never be pressured to start a program of care.
To schedule your complimentary consultation simply call the office at 303.814.3980 and speak with any of the WWC Team.